Tech Tip * June 14, 2016
Windows Says Hello… Literally!
By now you’ve all heard about Siri; heck, she even does commercials now! I chuckled a few years ago when former Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer asked Siri onstage at Worldwide Partner Conference in Houston what the better smartphone was (her answer was Windows Phone 8!). But you cannot deny the amount of impact Siri has had on how searches are done today.
Comprehensive Look at Cortana from Technobuffalo! |
What you many not know is that one of the major benefits of Windows 10 is Cortana; Microsoft’s answer to Siri. While Siri seems to be more iPhone/iPad-centric, Microsoft has taken Cortana from just the phone experience all the way through the multiple platforms – Windows 10, Windows Phone 10, even the Office applications! Working on mobile phones, tablets, the Surface line and PCs. Check out some of the cool things she can do in the video above from an unbiased source. There is just one more reason Windows 10 > Windows 7!
Windows 10 Free Upgrade – Expires July 29, 2016!
We are less than six weeks away from the expiration date for your free Windows 10 upgrade (for Windows 7 and 8 users only). After that, the upgrade price for Windows 10 Pro will be $199. Don’t delay! If you are looking to save money, this is one easy way to do it! Need help upgrading? You will find answers here to your questions about using Windows 10 on your PC! Or contact us at Get TechWise!