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Smilling ai robot with lightbulb idea to illustrate Copilot's "Help me create" ability in Microsoft 365

Copilot Tips and Features: Help Me Create-Tech Tip for May 21, 2024

In this week’s Tech Tip, we discuss the recent addition of the Microsoft 365 Copilot feature tool, ‘Help me create,’ located in the Microsoft 365 portal. Let’s take a look!

screenshot of Microsoft 365 portal showing new

Help Me Create with Copilot

This helpful Copilot tool walks you through the process of crafting and then generating an idea from start to finish. The ‘Help me create’ Copilot wizard walks you through your concept by helping you to decide which Microsoft 365 app is the best ‘suggested’ app to use in different idea scenarios. This unique Copilot experience is currently only available when visiting the Microsoft 365 portal from a browser. Be sure to reach out to us for more information on Copilot licensing!

Login to the Microsoft 365 Portal: get started at

  • Select the ‘+’ Create button and/or click, ‘Help me create’ feature button.
    •  ‘Help me create with Copilot’ pop-up window will appear.

screenshot of Help me create with Copilot prompt box in Microsoft 365

Start with an Idea: 

Describe your idea to Copilot in the prompt area provided.

  • Select ‘Generate’ button to generate your idea.
  • Need help getting started? 
    • Select ‘Show all examples’ below prompt area for more sample ideas.
    • Click ‘Reload’ button to load a different set of sample prompt ideas.

Edit and Finalize: 

Modify and finalize results from Copilot’s AI generated content.

  • Select ‘Copy’ button to ‘copy’ generated content. 
    • Use ‘CTRL’ + ‘V’ keyboard shortcut to ‘paste’ (where ‘pastes’ are allowed).
  • Select ‘Delete’ button to remove Copilot generated content (start over).
  • Select ‘Adjust’ button to adjust for Length, Tone, and Type.
    • Length: adjust content to a Short, Medium, or Long.
    • Tone: adjust content to a Neutral, Casual, or Professional tone.
    • Type: adjust content to Text, Table, Bulleted list, or Numbered list format.
  • Type an adjustment prompt in the field provided.
    • Select ‘Revise’ button to prompt Copilot to make content adjustments.
  • Unhappy with the result? Select ‘Regenerate’ button to recreate the content.

Pick an App and Create: 

Copilot will offer a ‘Top suggestion’ app to create your idea within. 

  • Select ‘Create’ button to create with Copilot’s suggested app.
  • Select ‘… more’ drop-down to ‘Create’ your idea from a different Copilot suggested app.
  • Copilot will create and launch your content, in your chosen app, within a new browser tab.
    • Select ‘Allow Access’ button to allow access to your Microsoft 365 account to enable access to your account and Cloud document storage.

TIP: If Copilot ‘Help me create’ suggests Loop: it cannot automatically import your Copilot generated content into Loop (as it is a separate online portal), but you can copy the text, create a new file, and manually paste the content into a Loop workspace page.

Be sure to follow along with us in our Copilot series to read more about Microsoft Copilot for Microsoft 365 apps.

Reach Out to TechWise Group

Interested in learning more about Copilot? Reach out to TechWise Group. We’ll help you make the most of your Microsoft tools.

Important Microsoft Announcements:

  • If you have not already moved to NCE licensing for your organization or if you have any questions about upcoming renewals, please contact us at to understand your options.
  • MFA is the best way to prevent cyberthreats. If you have not enabled MFA in your organization, let us help you put a plan in place.
  • Windows Server 2012 and 2012 R2 Extended Support ended on October 10, 2023. If your organization is still running these operating systems, please contact us to discuss your options.
  • Microsoft expands Copilot licensing for small-to-medium businesses (January 15, 2024). Reach out to TechWise Group to discuss your options.
  • April 1, 2024, Microsoft announced global changes to Teams licensing. Please reach out to TechWise Group with any questions.
  • Classic Teams client reaches end of availability. Microsoft extends time to July 01, 2024, for Admins to address any related issues.
  • July 9, 2024, marks the end of support (EOS), for SQL Server 2014. Please reach out to TechWise Group to explore your options.
  • Windows 10 reaches the end of support on October 14, 2025. Please contact us to discuss your options.