To Do list on a chalkboard. Microsoft has integrated To Do’s functionality with Outlook and with Teams.

Tools for Success: Using To Do in Microsoft Teams – Tech Tip for October 13, 2020

Continuing our monthly theme of highlighting various Teams scheduling tools and discussing their use and benefits, this week we are focusing on Microsoft To Do. To Do allows you to optimize your day by keeping track of actions that need to be completed. Microsoft has integrated To Do’s functionality with Outlook and with Teams.

When to Use To Do

There are several reasons for using To Do:

  • To Do allows users to plan their day and keep track of things that need to get done.
  • To Do is great for creating actionable tasks that need to get completed in a timely manner.
  • To Do offers a high level of autonomy by allowing users to determine the task priority and due date.
  • Tasks can be generated from a Microsoft Teams conversation or from Outlook emails.

How to Create a To Do

Microsoft has added To Do functionality to other Microsoft 365 apps. A To Do pane is now available within the web version of Outlook, and emails from colleagues asking you to do something can be dragged and dropped into it, automatically adding an item to the list.

Just drag and drop emails asking you to take action onto the To Do pane in the web version of Outlook and they will automatically be added to your list.

For more information about how to use To Do, check out this article from PCWorld.