Team members accessing business information to complete a project.

Organize & Simplify: Manage Access To Business Information- Tech Tip for January 26, 2021

To wrap up this month’s Tech Tip theme about organizing and simplifying your work through Microsoft 365 and Microsoft Teams, let’s talk about organizing your information.

Your organization’s information, whether proposals and templates, account information, proprietary engineering documents or standard operating procedures, is critical for keeping your organization going. Ensuring that everyone who needs this critical information can easily find it and access it is especially important now that so many of us are working remotely.

Think about where your information is stored. Is it on individual laptops? in various online storage locations? Maybe on a server too? Can you find it all? Bring it all together with Microsoft 365.

Here are a few tips on how to get started:

  1. Utilize Teams and SharePoint for documents that multiple people need access to and use OneDrive for Business for information that does not need to be shared.
  2. Inventory all current storage locations and the information in each location. Categorize the information as: shared with everyone, shared with a team or group (if so which one), or shared only with the individual.
  3. Move documents and information that only need to be accessed by an individual, such as information stored on personal drives, individual desktops, and laptops to OneDrive for Business. Encourage your team to use OneDrive for
  4. Business to save documents that they would normally save locally on their machine.
  5. For shared information such as shared project information, account information, templates, and proposals, create
  6. Teams and Channels or just SharePoint sites and move the information to the appropriate location. Be sure to explain the organization of the locations to your team.
  7. Protect your information by setting access privileges to ensure that only those who need the information have access.

Want to learn more about using Microsoft Teams, SharePoint, and OneDrive for Business? Contact us.