Track Changes in Microsoft Word

Track Changes in Microsoft Word

(Applies To: Word 2016 Word 2013 Word 2010 Word 2007 )


90% of people with Microsoft Office are using 10% of it, and everyone uses a different 10%. What 10% are you using?

For this month’s Tech Tips we would like to make you aware of potentially another 10% that you are currently not using: stay tuned to learn about a few really helpful and time-saving features in Microsoft Word! Let’s get started!

When you want to see who has been making changes to your document, turn on the Track Changes feature. You can also choose which changes to accept or reject, and you can view and delete comments. This is the perfect feature for reviewing a document!


1. Turn “Track Changes” on/off: 

  • On the Review tab, in the Tracking group, choose Track Changes.
  • When you turn on Track Changes, Word marks up new changes made to the document.
  • When you turn off Track Changes, Word stops marking up new changes. Any changes that were already tracked remain marked up in the document until you remove them.


2. Show changes (revisions) in document:

When you turn on Track Changes, Word marks up and shows any changes that anyone makes to the document.

  • On the Review tab, in the Tracking group, in the Simple Markup list, chose a view option:
    • Simple Markup is the default option and indicates where changes are with a red line in the margin.
    • No Markup hides markup to show what the incorporated changes will look like.
    • All Markup shows all edits with different colors of text and lines.
    • Original shows the document in its original form.
  • In the Show Markup list, choose the revisions you would like to see – Comments, Ink, Insertions and Deletions, Formatting, Balloons, Specific people.


3. Remove Tracked Changes

The only way to remove tracked changes in a document is to accept or reject them.

  • Accept/Delete a single tracked change:
    1. Open your document.
    2. On the Review tab, in the Changes group, choose Next or Previous.
    3. Choose Accept or Reject.
  • Accept/Delete all tracked changes:
    1. Open your document.
    2. On the Review tab, in the Changes group, do one of the following:
      • In the Accept list, choose Accept All Changes, or
      • In the Reject list, choose Reject All Changes.

Word then either accepts the change or removes it, and then moves to the next change.

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