Website Security: Web Application Firewall Protection – Tech Tip for May 25, 2021
To wrap up our monthly theme of website security, this week we’re covering web application firewall (WAF) protection. WAFs, such as Microsoft Azure, provide an important layer of security to keep your website and network secure from cyber threats.
What is a Web Application Firewall?
Unlike a traditional firewall that blocks traffic from certain IP addresses or ports, a WAF intercepts all inbound and outbound web application traffic, searches for malicious requests and then blocks or sounds an alert regarding any suspect traffic.
What Type of Protection Does a Web Application Firewall Offer?
A WAF can prevent a wide variety of application layer attacks such as distributed denial of service (DDoS), SQL injection, cross-site scripting (XSS) and cookie poisoning. This type of firewall can also block certain types of traffic and can sometimes control which network ports are open and accessible.
To strengthen your website’s security or to conduct a full website security audit, contact TechWise Group.